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About Us

BMC fast paced growth serving over 200 ships and establishing the global footprint has been achievable based on the company values of 3xTs- Transparency, Technology & Team.





Live overview of performance data.

Analysing data



Quality assurance with visibility processes & systems



Experienced management Team with over 100 years

Next target of 300 ships seems not far with vessel rollouts in progress with many new contracts & interests to support seafarers from ship owners who value crew wellness & wellbeing as key to their success.


Crew Gets Maximum Benefit

Sufficient Quantity & Quality

Logistics Support


Capt. Harminder Singh

30 years of professional experience in maritime Industry. Last 10 years in marine catering, procurement solutions & learning Management systems. Our focus is to make bespoke solutions for owners & their crew on using technological solutions powered by "BLU TEC" own built software. Crew wellness & well-being has been primary focus.

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BLU Maritime Consultancy headquarters are situated in Singapore which supports the global maritime clients. 


Our primary focus is to assist the ship managers & owners with crew wellbeing and efficient on time supplies. The core support on health and hygiene is extended in terms of nutrition & exercise. Additionally we optimize the provision budget & provide global procurement services at a competitive price- all while ensuring the crew eats healthy meals and vessels are in compliance of MLC & stay energized to work happily.  


We operate from our headquarters in Singapore and with support from our branches in Manila, UK and the India providing a 24/7 service. The ship’s crew is supported and guided by an experienced team with maritime catering expertise & crew mental wellness needs.


Our strategy is to assist our maritime customers to ensure the crew leads a healthy life style on board ships. Quality control & sustainability of environment is kept in mind while ensuring the supply chains are optimised and integrity maintained.


The support to is the crew is extended beyond nutrition, hygiene & food safety towards a balance of healthy mind and body for a happy times on board ships. 





Singapore - 658065

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